Visit our Renewable Energy Fair! – 08.09.2022
OLD Topic – NEW Idea
This year’s fair will change the game as we keep the main topic of last year’s ‘renewable energy fair’ but take some turns and twists so everyone will go home with a new view on this seemingly well-known topic.
Renewable Energy is not a new idea but it is growing more and more important each and every day. In a time were countries spend a big part of their gross domestic product to gather resources like oil and gas, we do have to find other ways to gain electric power.
Every year the students of our technicians’ classes prepare a few topics representing a small part of their studies.
This Year we have a few groups explaining the power generation by using environmental conditions.
We all know energy-harvesting by solar modules or wind turbines, but there is plenty more such as tidal wave power plants or wave-farms, which should get a certain attention since it is a way to produce electric power without defacing the landscape and expanding the space we have as well as the use of geothermal power plants.
On top of that we have some presentations aiming for power generation, right where we live without harming the view. Here we introduce the wind-tree which blends in perfectly in the modern city or a power park, were you generate power to charge your mobile devices by playing with your family and friends or doing sport.
Finally there will be a presentation about piezo crystals, and how to use them in modern life.
As you can see, there is a huge variety and everyone should be able to get a new view on this seemingly old topic.
You are all invited to drop by!